Xiaoxu Dong

US: (859)447-6817
CN: +86 1391-739-4676

University of Southampton
M.F.A in Communication Design Southampton, U.K. Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2016
Fudan University Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
B.A. in Product Design Shanghai, CN Sept. 2010 – Jul. 2014

Modern Data Visualization Technology Utilized Narrative Methods in Arts
Researcher | Roy Ascott Studio, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
Analyzed graphical works and installation artworks using data visualization narrative methods, combining theoretical knowledge in arts
Directed three data visualization works for students as the first stage of data visualization research results

Behavior Performance – What it is to be human?   Sept. 2017 – Present
Displayed in Linz Ars Electronica Festival 2019 (campus exhibition)
Researcher | Roy Ascott Studio, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
Explored the concept of “being a human” in the context of cybernetics
Practised the idea of “calibrator” in behavior performance
Directed each of my students in Cybernetics class to pick an aspect of “being a human” and performed together on the stage, applied calibrators on their behaviors and feedback loops were formed individually / per group

Campus Campaign: Refuse to Unpaid Internship   Jan. 2015 – Jun. 2016 
Research Assistant | Advisor: Prof. James Branch | University ofSouthampton
Took photos and videos with volunteered people wearing T-shirts with printed slogan against unpaid internshipl Built a website with evaluation system for interns to share their experiences with future candidates about
working conditions in the companies.

Data Visualization: Digital cities   Sept. 2015 – Dec. 2015
Research Assistant | Advisor: Prof. James Branch | University of Southampton
The form of data visualization: projected behavior performance with the charts of the daily routine data on performer’s body
The relationship between behavior and data representation: added behavior performance (used to express
emotions) to the projection display of data plots to more accurately represent the story behind the data

Data Visualization: E-waste data visualization   Sept. 2015 – Dec. 2015
Displayed in Annual exhibition 2015 (in campus)
Research Assistant | Advisor: Prof. James Branch | University of Southampton
Presented the data showing the ratio of different methods of battery disposal in Australia by an art installation
made of cotton threads and a wooden board shaped as an AA battery from top view.

Effective parent-child interaction time between preschool children and their parents   Sept. 2013 – Jun. 2014 
Research Assistant | Advisor: Prof. Zhang Weiwei | Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
Conducted questionnaire investigations and interviews with more than hundreds pairs of parents and childrenl
Set up a communication system between children and their parents through interactive toys and digital apps

Lecturer | Roy Ascott Studio, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts Feb. 2017 – Presentl 
Developed and delivered high quality theoretical and practical lectures for the classes listed: Tools, Software, and Systems / Personal Development / Behavior, Identity and Environment / Critical Integration / Technoetic
art Introduction, to the undergraduate students
Supervised senior students’ graduation projects
Played a vital role in developing state-of-the-art projects that align with the needs of the studio (i.e. for Reviewed the literature on brain development of children aged 3-6 and designed toy as detachable rubber modules that children can assemble freely while playing with the toy exhibitions, competitions, arts festivals)
Curated the annual exhibition and graduation exhibition in the university, and Ars Electronica Festival campus exhibition in Linz, Austria

Teaching Assistant | Roy Ascott Studio, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts Course: Technoetic Arts
l Gave lecture on Tools, Software, and Systems for undergraduate studentsl Arranged students study tours to Central Academy of Fine Arts

Intern Product Designer | Jensen Jacob Design Shanghai
l Conducted electric kettle and router research, design, modelling and report to client

Intern Designer | Shanghai Kangyan Electronics Co. Ltd. R&D Center
l Research & Feedback: arranged users to do questionnaire survey, interview, and organize research contentl User Experience Design: analyzed data, found user’s problems, made user experience map

Data Visualization: A Unique Storyteller 
  Jun. 2019
Presented at Consciousness Reframed Conference 2019 in Universidade Catolica Portuguesa-Port o, Portugal

A Flashlight Psychogram of Universities Working in Fields of Art & Design, Technology & Science   Sept. 2019 
Linz Ars Electronica Festival 2019 in Austria (Campus Forum)

Technoetic Arts Introduction   Sept. 2018
Linz Ars Electronica Festival 2018 in Austria (Campus Forum)

Dong Xiaoxu, (December 2019). “Data Visualization: A Unique Storyteller,” Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Volume17 (3), pp. 259-279. doi: 10.1386/tear_00020_1. Presented at Consciousness Reframed Conference 2019 in Portugal (1st Author)